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Metra Electronics Dealer Parts Warehouse

Want To Upgrade Your 2016 Hyundai Tucson Stereo? Now You Can!

Posted on: Jul 6, 2016 10:44:00 AM

JUNE 2016: HOLLY HILL, FL – Metra Electronics is pleased to announce stereo kit for the 2016 and newer Hyundai Tucson.
Painted matte black, the new 99-7369B kit provides the ability to install an ISO DIN radio provision with pocket into this popular vehicle application. This kit includes brackets to mount the radio as well as a pocket.


To complete the installation use our wiring harness, part number 70-7304 HYBL-03 (nav models), HYBL-04, is sold separately. Antenna adapter is not required.
Painted Matte black, the new 95-7369B kit features ISO DDIN radio provision, and includes a trim panel and brackets to mount the radio.





To complete the installation use our wiring harness, part number 70-7304 HYBL-03 (nav models), HYBL-04, is sold separately. Antenna adapter is not required




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Metra Electronics has been the world leader and “The Installer’s Choice™” for vehicle installation kits and electronic accessories for over 70 years. Headquartered in Florida, Metra Electronics strives to create innovated, high quality products to satisfy and astonish our customers. Metra's brands include: Axxess™, T-Spec™, The InstallBay™, Heise™, iBeam™, Shuriken™, Raptor™, Ballistic™, Ethereal™, and Helios™. For ordering information and pricing, visit Metra Electronics online at or call 800.221-0932.