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Metra Electronics Dealer Parts Warehouse

New High-Tech Infrared Night Vision DVR Kit is Now Available from iBeam Vehicle Safety Systems

Posted on: Apr 24, 2018 5:14:00 PM

Holly Hill, FL - April 2018 – iBeam Vehicle Safety Systems by Metra Electronics® has released a new DVR kit that simultaneously captures video in both the front and rear of the vehicle, with infrared assisted night vision on the front camera. The TE-IFD kit will improve driver visibility, both day and night, supporting 1080p HD recording in the front and 720p recording for the rear camera. For front night vision recording, 720p is supported.
iBeam’s latest DVR kit connects to the vehicle display from the DVR’s video RCA output. Drivers can select to view the front day, front night, or rear-view camera feed. This kit also connects to a smartphone, where users who are connected to Wi-Fi can view a live recording of the vehicle’s surroundings via the free mobile app, available for Apple and Android devices. The mobile app also allows the user to adjust settings or view videos and pictures recorded from the DVR.
For security purposes, a motion sensor can be activated to monitor activity while the vehicle is parked and left unattended*. A built-in g-force sensor detects collisions and locks the captured video content to prevent it from being overwritten. This is especially useful in the event of an accident, where video recordings can be used as potentially vital evidence.
The high-tech TE-IFD kit includes an infrared LED bar that mounts behind the front license plate to improve night recording, a control box, front camera with night vision, rear camera, infrared driver, Wi-Fi USB cable and power/switch button. The kit installs seamlessly into any vehicle application while maintaining an OEM-style look and feel. Learn more about iBeam Vehicle Safety Systems at
*Installers should read the instruction manual on how to enable or disable the motion detection function, as the software will need to be updated. The instruction manual can be seen at:
About Metra Electronics
At Metra, 12 volt installation and integration is our passion. We strive to continuously offer the highest quality products to meet the fluctuating technological challenges of the automotive world. We actively listen to our customers’ requests and invest resources into developing the highest quality dash kit and harness solutions. We make more dash kits for the most vehicle applications than anyone else in the world. That’s why we’ve been known as “The Installer’s Choice®” for over 70 years. Our brands include: Axxess®, T-Spec®, The Install Bay®, Heise LED Lighting Systems®, iBeam Vehicle Safety Systems®, Shuriken High Performance Batteries®, Raptor®, Ballistic® and AmmoTenna®.  Metra’s expertise in connectivity solutions is also applied to their division of premium home theater and surveillance products, Metra Home Theater Group®.
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